PayPal QRShopping
Working at PayPal, my team had the task to create a new service for existing online merchants to enhance uprising mobile commerce opportunities in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria. With the help of external service providers, we created a minimum viable product based on QR code technology. Merchants were able to associate their products with codes and use them in different kinds of media like print advertisements, SmartTV, digital walls, posters, or even directly on their products. After the first testing with German merchants like Deichmann and Blume2000, the app was improved and connected to standardized online shop systems via plug-ins.
eBay Kaufraum
In December 2013 eBay decided to open up the first German pop-up store in Berlin to exhibit products from power-seller merchants. PayPal participated in the project presenting innovative services to public and offer direct testing opportunities on-site. We prepared, installed and maintained two different showcases and trained promotion employee to show those to customers. Next to the PayPal QRShopping technology for an online merchant, we also presented the newly developed version for transactions at cash register systems for offline merchants.
Mobile Payment CH
Our team managed PayPal's participation in a public bid initiated by a major public transportation company in Switzerland. For a six-week trial phase we provided the technology to cover the following use cases: mobile payment in-store, mobile ordering from anywhere, couponing, and loyalty features. The technical solutions were used by externally organized and trained test users who gave feedback interviews on a regular base. In addition to the internal preparations of this test case, we also supervised the external setup on-site during the trial phase as well as analyzed and presented the results to the stakeholder board of constituents.