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Academic Research Projects

Ph.D. Dissertation

Knowledge Processes in Corporate-Startup Collaborations

From February 2021 on, I am appointed as Ph.D. Fellow at the Department of Management at the Aarhus University, School of Business and Social Science. My research will focus on the topic of knowledge processes and practices in corporate-startup collaborations.


Master Thesis

Choosing the Governance Mode for a Corporate Venturing Activity

The aim of this thesis was the identification of factors and dimensions that influence the corporate decision about the governance mode for corporate venturing activities. Corporate venturing can be established through different governance modes like corporate venture capital, joint ventures, spin-offs, or corporate accelerators. The choice of the governance mode depicts a strategic decision that has consequences for the corporate organizational structure. With the help of a systematic literature review that focused on corporate venturing and its governance modes, influencing factors were identified and grouped into five impact dimensions: objectives, autonomy, operational linkages, strategic fit, and ambidexterity. The relevance of those impact dimensions was researched with the help of an exploratory research approach based on multiple case studies and semi-structured interviews. Through a qualitative content analysis, the impact dimension of strategic fit resulted as the most important one. In addition, the dimension of objectives, autonomy, and operational linkages received support from the interview partners.


Bachelor Thesis

The mobile revolution: A transaction-cost-based approach on the impact of mobile commerce

This paper discusses the changes in the distribution structure of electronic commerce caused by the exertion of mobile commerce. The influence of electronic commerce on residential retail serves as the basis of the discussion. The change in distribution structure is related to a shift of transaction costs by the specific attributes of the particular distribution channel which leads to the four scenarios of the mobile reintermediation model. The theoretical perspective as well as the incidence rate is researched by means of expert interviews. Referring to the analysis of the interviews, several implications for research and business practice are deduced.

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