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Courses & Workshops


Process Research Methods

Amsterdam Business Research Institute

Feb 2021

Hans Berends

Brian Pentland

Most of the phenomena investigated by management and organization scholars evolve over time. This includes processes at various levels, such as team development, innovation, organizational change, interorganizational collaboration, and institutionalization. Process research methods have been developed to capture the dynamics of how such phenomena unfold over time, without reducing them to dependent or independent variables. This course provides an introduction to these process research methods. It provides the philosophical and theoretical background to process thinking, methods for collecting process data, and qualitative and quantitative methods for analyzing process data.

Practice Theory

Lancaster University

Apr-May 2022

Theodore Schatzki

Elizabeth Shove

Stanley Blue

The course aims to introduce students to various theories of practice. We will examine topics that are substantial theoretical ones such as change, power, time, connectivity, variation, materiality, and method as well as aspects of practice theories that have informed research in a number of substantive areas including management, education, health, and energy. To this end, the course blends preparatory work - recorded lectures, podcasts, reading, and various intellectual exercises - with a week of online activities, linked exercises, and cross-disciplinary group work.

Warwick Summer School on Practice and Process Studies

Warwick Business School

Jul 2023

Omid Omidvar

Davide Nicolini

The Warwick Summer School convenes scholars interested in practice and process studies in an open and multi-disciplinary learning community characterized by dialogue, discussion, and joint exploration. The Summer School is designed for those with an advanced understanding of practice and process theories. The Summer School will consider the state-of-the-art of practice, process and routines studies (1.5 days) and how we can advance practice and process studies on the body and embodiment (1 day). 

Qualitative Methods Workshop


Jun - Jul 2022

Beth Bechky

Anne-Laure Fayard

Ruthanne Huising

Hila Lifshitz-Assaf

Melissa Mazmanian

The workshop is structured as a mix of interactive instruction and hands-on work. Each morning a faculty expert takes the lead on a part of the research process (i.e. analysis, theory building, etc.). In the afternoon participants will work in small groups of 5-6 participants, plus a faculty mentor, on assignments. Our aim is to create an intensive experience/practicum of the early stage work involved in qualitative projects. Learn how to:


- Collect qualitative data through interviews, participant and non-participant observation, archival data, and artifacts

- Code data, write memos, create visuals, and use other analysis techniques

- Develop grounded theory

- Frame your data to make theoretical contributions to the literature

- Navigate the writing and publishing process

- Be an active and engaged qualitative researcher

Qualitative Research Methods

Aarhus University

Mar-May 2021

Helle Neergaard

Jakob Lauring

Birte Asmuß

Module A - Introduction & Research Design
The module will enable participants to match research aims with an effective research strategy and suitable qualitative research methods. The course will leverage contrasting successful papers to form the ability to critically appraise research designs and further develop the participants' own research strategy and methods.


Module B - Collecting Qualitative Data
This module will enable participants to choose and utilize a variety of qualitative data collection methods, including interviews and participant observation, video recording, online data collection, and focus groups


Module C - Analysing Qualitative Data
This module will teach advanced skills to analyze different data types related to text and talk. Different analysis methods will be discussed, including structured interview and text analysis (e.g. the Gioia method), cultural analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, conversation analysis.

Applied Quantitative Methods for Management Research

Aarhus University

This course will introduce participants to state-of-the-art quantitative empirical methods in management with a focus on application and understanding the underlying intuition. We explore topics ranging from regression models to quasi-experimental designs and structural equation models. We address identification, correlation, and causality with a point of departure in recent empirical studies from the broad field of management and marketing. This course will introduce two software packages, Stata and AMOS, which are frequently used among empirical scholars.

Oct - Nov 2021

Tünde Cserpes

John Thøgersen

The Research Process and the Role of Theory in Business Research

Aarhus University

Jun - Sep 2021

Peter Kesting

John Howell

Lars Frederiksen

Tino Bech-Larsen

The course aims to provide you with an overview of what research and science are, what it means to become an academic scholar and a practical approach on how to do scientific work. It begins with a series of sessions on the classical philosophy of science where we discuss some fundamental questions about research, including what science is good for and what can it achieve; why we need theory and how to build it; how theory can be grounded in empirical observations; why scientific communities are important and how to deal with them. This should help you to get a better understanding of what science and research are all about. This is followed by workshops on the practical consequences. The students work through the practical stages of their own research such as setting out the theoretical background to the Ph.D., choice of a research question, and method.


Furthermore, the course provides additional room for a focused discussion with regard to the concept and importance of theory in business research. Thus, the course offers PhD students hands-on tools to build theory and insights into the instruments and concepts of validating theory. As such, we offer students guidance to link research questions to theory, for defining constructs, thinking through relationships and processes that link constructs, and deriving new theoretical models (or building on existing ones) based on those relationships. We seek to illustrate how to use analyses as well as grounded and emergent approaches to theory construction. Students are enabled to develop ideas from across theoretical and analytical levels as well as from neighboring research fields. An explicit aim of the course is to provide students with a deeper appreciation of theory-building in order to support them in crafting effective research papers and grant applications.

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